What is LOOKNorth’s RPAS Business Advance Service?
LOOKNorth is offering a program of business support services, including business advisory and data management, that can be leveraged by Canadian RPAS SMEs to advance key aspects of their business. The program is supported in part by funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).
Examples of Business Service Support:
- Advice on market strategy for new market segments
- Clarification of value proposition
- Assistance in defining market strategy
- Identification of prospective customers
- Proposal review/advice
- Funding opportunity identification
What Outcomes Can My Business Expect?
Depending on your specific business priorities, you can expect:
- Business plan review: focus, value proposition clarification, service gaps, etc.
- Funding proposal review and advice
- Market strategy outline
- Customer or partner identification and introduction
How Can LOOKNorth help with my Drone Data Management?
Feedback from RPAS service providers and end-user groups is that many companies are experiencing challenges around the management of data, including:
- Increasing customer data security risks
- Inefficiencies in providing data to customers
- Ineffective/costly management strategies (‘data is on a drive somewhere’; ‘my cloud service costs are out of control’)
- Decisions about suitable data management strategies are not obvious
- Third-party services vs. in-house solutions
- Understanding and evaluating true costs of data management options
- Concerned about investment
- SMEs can access a data management platform that focuses on secure storage, simple search, and efficient sharing to determine if their data management issues can be easily solved.
Examples of Data Management Outcomes:
- Assessment of current data management status and key issues
- Review of potential options, operational and cost implications
- Recommendations
- Data management service (one year of data hosting and support)
What is Expected from My End?
- Prospective RPAS SMEs would complete a brief screening exercise to clearly define their focus and scope of service, and identify outcomes for business and/or data management advisory services.
- Support is of limited duration and will focus on the agreed-upon scope, with predefined tasks and schedules.
- Up to a maximum of 25 hours per engagement for business advisory, and up to 40 hrs per data management advisory.
- Based on the resulting assessment and recommendation process, SMEs and LOOKNorth may extend these services.
- Participating SMEs must be a current NRC-IRAP client, or be prepared to engage with the NRC to become a client. LOOKNorth can assist in connecting you with NRC IRAP.

For further information, contact:
Chris Hardy